Kz's Snap Shots Special Gallery

The four seasons


Photo: Kamui

It is the exquisite contrast which clouds and mountains weave.

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Voice of Fukurou

Voice of Fukurou

Have you ever heard the voice of an owl?
The hoot of an owl can be heard near the house around June.

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Carpenter Bee

Although this bee looks very large and fearful,
in really it is a gentle bee.

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Green Cherry Blossoms

Cherry blossoms are usually pink.
However, cherry blossoms here are not pink.

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Peach Blossoms

The peach of the yard was in full bloom.
I thought that I wished to take a picture of this flower on a cloudy day.
The opportunity was visited on my holiday.
Although blessed with the opportunity, I need to improve my skill more.

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Christmas Rose

a name is a Christmas Rose although this flower blooms in spring.
Because a Christmas Rose is short and has a bud facing down,
it is not conspicuous during a bud.
However, it is brilliant if it begins to bloom.

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Pink Goat Willow

A Goat willow is called "Nekoyanagi" in Japanese.
The "neko" means a cat. And the "yanagi" means a willow.
I think that touch of a female flower was compared to a cat's tail.

For some reason, the "nekoyanagi" in my house blooms pink flowers.

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For several years, a wild seal comes to the seashore of Kamogawa every winter.
The newspaper reported that the Kamo-chan had come also in this winter.
"Kamo-chan" is the pet name of this seal.

Today (Dec. 28, 2005) I visited "Kamogawa Sea World" after a long time.
The "Kamogawa Sea World" faces the seashore of Kamogawa.
And the staffs of there are observing the Kamo-chan continuously.
To my regret, the Kamo-Chan was not in the beach today.

However, I saw the seals that swam among the waves just as I was leaving.
It was not one seal which I had seen.

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Late in the fall

The autumnal leaves of a foreground
and the snow-covered landscape of a background
show skillful contrast.
That contrast will become clear by expanding this picture.

Photo: Kamui

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It became a season when ice needles stood out.
The broad leaf of the tree that had become yellow began to fall all together.
Since it was in such a winter scene, a Karasu-uri had colored.

The "Karasu" means a crow. And the "Uri" means a melon.
This is not edible. It is the small melon which grows naturally in the fields.
For a crow, it is the good melon for eating. I think so.

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Autumn. . .

A Haze-no-ki belongs to the Japanese lacquer tree.
I placed a photo of the Haze-no-ki which was just before fallen leaves
to this page formerly.

I made a chic card by these leaves this year.

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Late summer and late autumn

I received some beautiful pictures from Mr. Kamui.
They are Sakura-jima in the late summer,
and Hiraizumi in the late autumn.

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A Yellow Swallowtail which grew up by herb called a fennel
and became a chrysails emerged.
The larvae might have been conspicuous too much in the fennel.
It was only this one that became a butterfly out of nine larvae.

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Small Copper

The butterfly came to my yard this year also.
This butterfly usually opens the wings and takes a rest.
This time I could take a picture of it which closed wings by chance.
Whenever I look at this butterfly, I am surprised by its beauty.

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A Fireworks of Sumida

It is a hydrangea named the "fireworks of Sumida".
Sumida (Sumida River) is famous for the fireworks display of summer.

Feeling of this flower ....
This flower looks like large-blossomed fireworks in the night sky of summer.

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The Hiakari-Mo is a alga which reflects light.
This grows naturally in the well which gushes a spring
in the small cave called a Kogane-Ido (a well of gold).
It is said that Hikari-Mo reflect is the season
when aburana bloom.

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The spring letter arrived from California.
Bakersfield in early spring, such as FOG, BLUE SKY, and SOARER,
can be seen by clicking the thumbnail.

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The rooftop in Umi-Hotaru was freezing cold.
However, the finished photo had a relieved warmth.

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They are wild violets that grow naturally.
When they begin to bloom all at once,
the ground becomes a violet color.
However, the flowering period is very short.

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Violets 2

A violet signals the beginning of spring.
This flower has the peculiar atmosphere different from a pansy.

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Stinkbug of Heart

This bug tends to be kept at arm's length for the bad smell.
Please look at the heart mark of the back.

There is no larger image (^^;

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Super Aka Tombo

I saw the dragonfly of vivid color like this for the first time.

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The Carpet Bugle is called a Juuni-Hitoe in Japan.
A Juuni-Hitoe indicates the clothes which the lady of Heian-Period pretended.

Carpet Bugle is a plant with the beautiful leaf.
The bloom is filled with still more elegant look.