Kz's Snap Shots Special Gallery

The four seasons

Carpenter Bee

photo kotan

A Carpenter Bee comes to the garden from late spring to early summer.
It is a large stocky bee that has a black body with the orange hips.
A Carpenter Bee differs from the vespid, and is a honeybee.
It is buzzing around flower sucking nectar.
Although this bee looks very large and fearful, in really it is a gentle bee.
It does not escape, even if it approaches considerably, in order to take a photograph.

Click a picture for larger image of a carpenter bee.

Since it is a large bee, when inhaling the honey of the flower near the ground,
balance may be lost, and it may fall to the ground.
The wings are small considering the big body.
After falling, it clings to a stalk in a fluster and begins to fly again.
I never get tired of observing it.

Click a picture for larger image of a carpenter bee.

Click a picture for larger image of a carpenter bee.