Kz's Snap Shots Special Gallery

Sky in the Sky

Photo Album / Photo Gallery / Movie


When looking up into the sky in winter,
the contrails are seen occasionally here and there.
Since the plane trailing a jet stream flies at high altitude, the taking a picture is considerably difficult.

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Take off / Approach / Landing

The moment a cockpit is filled with strain...
Each plane keeps the regular position.
It is exactly work of the professional.

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Shafter Air Show 2003

The newly-arrived pictures from Mr. Kamui

Although the leading planes of the air show last year were small planes, comparatively large planes gathered this year.

Every airplane is wonderful and every photograph is great!!

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A6M2 ZERO from Mr. Kamui
Expand the picture and have a look carefully.

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Shafter Air Show

Wonderful pictures reached me from Mr. Kamui.
A large number of airplanes have gathered from the Mustang to a classical biplane.
Exceptionally beautiful mustang appears.
I never dreamed the existence of beautiful mustang like that.

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Edwards Open House from Mr. Kamui

The pictures of many airplanes generally exhibited in the Edwards Open House are stored in this page.
The exhibited planes were various. They are contained from the once famous planes to the unique planes of the near future.
Since this base has a deep relation to NASA, the unsung hero of a space shuttle was also exhibited.